Iğdır University Serhat Teknoloji Development Region (SERHAT TEKNOPARK) who can apply?
To SERHAT TEKNOPARK; Entrepreneurs/companies that carry out or want to carry out R&D/Software/Design projects, primarily in priority sectors, can apply within the scope of "Technology Development Zones Law" numbered 4691 and "Law on Supporting Research, Development and Design Activities" numbered 5746.
Entrepreneurs/companies who want to be included in Iğdır University Serhat Technology Development Zone what should? Application b> actions and reference appropriate what is seen what are the sequential steps to follow ?
The application procedures of the entrepreneurs/companies who want to take place in SERHAT TEKNOPARK and the sequential steps to be followed by those whose applications are approved can be accessed from the www.serhatteknopark.com link.
Applications where how are they made?
- Pre-application procedures for SERHAT TEKNOPARK are made online via the link https://argeportal.serhatteknopark.com/onbasvuruformu.
-After filling in the information on this link, you must complete your preliminary application by using the "SEND" button.
Pre application after process how does it proceed?
-After your preliminary application is approved, a verification confirmation code will be sent to the e-mail address you specified in the application form.
- By using this code, the candidate entrepreneur/company will be able to log in to the "Arge-Portal" at the link http://argeportal.serhatteknopark.com/, 'Project Information Form' and 'Company Introduction He will be able to complete the application process by filling in all the information in the 'Card' fields and adding the files that need to be uploaded through the system. Afterwards, the file printouts and attachments must be taken from the "R&D Portal" by the applicant and submitted to Iğdır University Serhat Teknoloji Geliştirme Merkezi Yönetim A.Ş. with wet signature within three (3) working days.
-Your application will be submitted to the Project Evaluation Commission and the commission report will be sent to us.
-After the commission report/reports are received by us, your project, application documents and commission report/reports are sent to Iğdır Üniversitesi Serhat Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi A.Ş. It will be evaluated by the Board of Directors and it will be decided whether you will take part in the Region or not.
Applications Is it paid ?
No fee is charged for pre-applications. If the preliminary application is accepted, a "Project Evaluation Royalty Fee" is collected in order to send your project to the evaluation commission. This fee (year 2023); 1.500.00 TL for R&D/Software/Design Projects Applications. + VAT (18%) and 1,000,00 TL for incubators. + VAT (18%).
Project Assessment Royalty Fee pay how and < b>where to be done?
This fee is paid by writing your project code that you have determined for your project during your preliminary application; The payment receipt is added to the file by transferring it to the account written below with the name “(Project Code) Project Evaluation Royalty Fee”.
IBAN NUMBER: TR65 0001 2009 6790 0010 2612 46
Application evaluation who by and how is it done?
-Application evaluations for applications made to engage in R&D or design activities; It is made by the Project Evaluation Commission (Arbitration Committee), which consists of experts in your project.
-Project Evaluation Commission; It consists of 3 members, two of whom are experts in their fields, teaching staff and one member is a sector expert.
- In the evaluation to be made by the commission, if you want to see which questions are mostly suitable for the answers; Please review the “Application Evaluation Criteria” file available at www.serhatteknopark.com.
-Assessments are made online and questions can be directed to the company by the commission through the "R&D Portal" software.
- The companies are not informed about the commission members, and if necessary, the contact between the company/commission is Iğdır Teknopark A.Ş. It can be provided by the Project Unit.
- When the written opinions of the project evaluation commission are completed, they are submitted for the approval of the Iğdır Teknopark Executive Company Board of Directors. In the event that the Board of Directors approves the application, the applicant is contacted by the relevant unit (depending on the office situation) to allocate a place.
Applications what how much one time evaluated concluded?
In order to evaluate and finalize the applications; A maximum period of 45 days is foreseen from the submission of the forms. During this period, the whole process will be completed and Serhat Teknopark A.Ş. The Decision of the Board of Directors will be notified to the applicants. If this period is extended, please contact Serhat Teknopark Project Unit.
If your project applications are rejected by the Commission and/or the Board of Directors despite any revision, a second application with the same name is not accepted. However, there are no restrictions that prevent companies from re-applying.
not available.
- There are offices starting from 10 m2 in Serhat Teknopark.
-R&D office space allocation fees for entrepreneur companies Serhat Teknopark A.Ş. It is taken over the m2 unit price determined by the Board of Directors.
- Firms and entrepreneurs to whom office space is allocated in the region must also participate in operating expenses. Operating expenses are the same for companies and entrepreneurs, and Serhat Teknopark A.Ş. It is taken over the unit m2 price determined by the Board of Directors. This price includes landscaping, common area air conditioning, cleaning, building security, common area electricity and water expenses; The electricity and, if any, water consumption of the office area and other services such as telephone and data are excluded.
- 2 Months Rental Fee (excluding VAT) is taken as deposit (security fee).
- Companies that make a 1-year rental down payment can receive a 10% discount on the rental price excluding VAT.
- You can apply to Iğdır Technopark Project Unit for rental fees and other expenses.
Rental agreements are made on an annual basis, depending on the project durations applied for.
In this case, your application will be queued according to the application evaluation criteria and a place will be allocated if there is a suitable office space option.
It is not mandatory for the company headquarters to be in the Region. However, the R&D and software office in the Region must be a "workplace" according to the Turkish Commercial Code. Companies whose headquarters are not located in the province of Iğdır have to have their regional offices as branches in order to fulfill this condition. In addition, activities can be carried out by moving the Company's headquarters to the Zone.
Entrepreneurs/Companies Iğdır University with Cooperation Doing, Teaching Elements or also In Projects with Students Partner Is it work Mandatory Is it?
Since the main purpose of the establishment of the region is to strengthen university-industry cooperation in research and technology development projects, entrepreneurs/firms are expected to cooperate with the university.
Serhat Teknopark place take wants teaching staff for process how does it work?
Article 7 of the Law No. 4691;
"Public institutions and organizations and university personnel who need their services as researchers and administrative personnel in the activities in the Region can be employed on a permanent or part-time basis with the permission of the institutions they work for . Part-time teaching members, lecturers, research assistants and experts income to be obtained in return for these services income, university revolving capital scope excluded excluded. Continuous< /i> as employment to be to personnel by institutions unpaid > allowed allowed and staffs with relationships < i>continues continues. Of these, the retirement rights of the personnel subject to the Republic of Turkey Retirement Fund Law No. 5434 for the time they spend here are reserved, provided that the provisions of Article 31 of the Law No. 5434 are complied with. Article 36 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 contrary to the regulations contained in this article provisions do not apply.
Teaching elements 2547 No. Law 39 in the nth with the permission of the University Administration Board within the region i> in organizations can do. Monthly on leave as In the region assigned teaching members In the Region obtain what < i>revenues university revolving capital excluded. In addition, with the permission of the University Administrative Board, the faculty members their their results commercialize aim< /i> with in these regions company may set up, established i> a company associate can and/or this i> companies can take office in the management ."
It is arranged in the form.
University lecturers and/or industry experts; of the applications of entrepreneurs who want to take part in the region evaluation for the purpose created "Referee Pool" place receive want in case what do should they?
University lecturers and/or industry experts; Entrepreneurs who want to take place in the region should fill in the "Arbitration Request Application" form in the "Application" tab of www.serhatteknopark.com page, if they want to take part in the "Arbitrator Pool" created for the evaluation of their applications. .
Proje kapsamında danışmanlık yapan akademisyenler bölgede bulunmak zorunda mıdır? Projeye Uzaktan danışmanlık yapabilir mi?
In consultancy services to be received from academicians who are not company personnel; Income Tax exemption, Stamp Tax exemption and SGK incentives cannot be used. Incentive
It is at the discretion of the companies how to provide this service, which is not within the scope of the scope.
- Company and Entrepreneurs Income and Corporations < b>Tax Exemption
The earnings of the managing companies within the scope of this Law application and the income and corporate taxpayers operating in the Region exclusively from software and R&D activities in this Region are exempt from income and corporate tax until 31.12.2028.
- R&D and Software Personnel Revenue Tax Exemption
Revenue Tax Exemptionworking in the region; The wages of the R&D personnel related to these duties are exempt from income and all kinds of taxes until 31.12.2028. The fees for the time spent by the software development and R&D personnel outside the Technology Development Zone with the permission of the TDZ Executive Company and the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Trade within the scope of the R&D project are also exempt from income tax. Conditions related to thi
- VAT Exemption
Delivery and delivery in the form of system management, data management, business applications, sectoral, internet, mobile and military command and control application software produced exclusively in these regions during the period when the earnings of the entrepreneurs operating in the technology development zone are exempt from income or corporate tax (until 31.12.2028). services are exempt from value added tax.
- Support Personnel Income Tax Exemption
The wages of the support personnel working in the region regarding these duties are exempt from all kinds of taxes until 31.12.2028. The number of support personnel within the scope of the exemption cannot exceed ten percent of the number of R&D personnel.
- Customs Tax Exemption
Goods imported to be used in research related to software, R&D, innovation and design projects carried out within the scope of the Law in the Regions, customs duty and all kinds of funds, papers and transactions made within this scope are exempt from stamp duty and fee. Goods Imported within the scope of this exception; It consists of the goods specified in the permission to be approved by the General Directorate and sent to the Ministry of Customs and Trade through the Single Window System to be used in research related to R&D, innovation and design projects.
(*) For all support and benefits www.serhatteknopark.com ; Technology Development Regions Law and Technology Development Regions Application Review .
Companies and company personnel from all exemptions >/ advantages / Is it mandatory to benefit from incentives ?
It is not obligatory to benefit from all exemptions / advantages / incentives, it is the preference of the companies to benefit from it.
Entrepreneurs/Companies Liabilities What are they?
Companies benefiting from the exemptions provided under the Law No. 4691 must operate in accordance with this Law. Firms are obliged to submit all kinds of information and documents requested by the Managing Company or related public institutions within the scope of periodic monitoring and inspection activities and to fill in the periodic activity forms on time.
In the Region location area and project completed firms for what type sanctions applies?
Pursuant to subparagraph (i) of paragraph 1 of article 14 of the Technology Development Zones Implementation Regulation; “ı) Starting from the completion date of the last project of the entrepreneur located in the region and who has not submitted a new project as of the completion date of their projects; 30 days Necessary actions to ensure that the entrepreneur is expelled from the Zone, regardless of the current lease term in case a new no R&D or design project can be started within three months. ” is done.
Serhat Teknopark Conference and Meeting Halls who > how can it benefit?
Everyone can benefit from Iğdır Technopark conference and meeting rooms if the specified date is available.
You should apply to the Project Unit for reservation and pricing information.
Companies job application to do I want process about information can I get it?
You can use the "CV Repository" interface of our website (when the work is completed) to apply for jobs to companies, or you can leave your resumes to our Human Resources Department or send them to the e-mail address www.serhatteknopark.com.
Companies for job I applied but my application response I did not receive what do should I?
Your CVs; If it is decided that you have the appropriate qualifications for the position, after screening the criteria for open positions that the companies in the region will notify us, your application will be forwarded to the relevant company and if you are included in the recruitment process by the relevant company, you will be contacted by the relevant company as soon as possible.
Iğdır Üniversitesi Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Kampüsü 76000 Iğdır
info@serhatteknopark.com / +90 555 732 1307